We do our page for the community, it’s done free of charge. You can donate to our work anytime, but it’s not mandatory. Donations are always appreciated but have no impact on listing or not listing a project.
Our intent is not doing marketing of sacrificing, though we actually market PulseChain projects, in the hope these projects and the whole PulseChain succeeds.
To lower the risk of scams, we require the following conditions to be met for publicly listing a project:
- MUST: The project has a public web page describing:
- The rules of sacrificing, wallet address (may be published later).
- Connection to the PulseChain ecosystem.
- MUST: The project was publicly announced (Twitter, community Telegram groups etc.) and publicly recognised within the project’s target community.
- MUST: At least one of the following must be:
- The founder or significant persons from the project team are doxed (KYC, interviewed with a recognised YouTubers where those persons show face, etc.).
- The project has public testing or production deployment which is actively tested, used and discussed within the project’s target community.
- The founder or significant persons from the project team are well recognised and active within the HEX and PulseChain community (please note this recognition can be subjectively perceived).
- MUST: Project has a publicly accessible communication channel where the community can question the project team (e.g. a Telegram channel).
These conditions are the minimum requirements, the final decision on public listing is a subject to decision of several experts from the community - this means that project does not have to be listed publicly even though it fulfills the requirements if these experts vote against it.
All the conditions mentioned above have to be verifiable publicly (it’s not sufficient if the evidence is shared only with us).
We appreciate that a starting project has a different position and options comparing to projects which are already funded, having a community or marketing budgets. But we also feel the responsibility to the community.
Therefore we keep the right to freedom of opinion and if we perceive some of the evidence as made up, this can lead to not listing or even removing a project, this includes but is not limited to:
- Using fake accounts in the Telegram groups to create an impression of a bigger community.
- Made up interviews with YouTubers who are not well known or are not dedicating their work to HEX and PulseChain communities.
Technically we need:
- Project logo in 256x256 pixel resolution ideally as a transparent PNG. We also prefer to have approval and small support from the team (responding to questions, letting us know if something is wrong, reporting unusual actions e.g. token swaps etc.).
- If you have a “political statement” let us know, ideally shortened into a few words (see statements of other sacrifices).
- Last, but most importantly, we need to understand the mechanics of your sacrifice:
- start and end dates or any other milestones,
- accepted coins and tokens and chains,
- token/point rates, bonding curve, bonuses.
- We will not publish any details of your sacrifice, we will just link your official page. This is to force people to do their own research (DYOR).
- We keep the exclusive right to change or remove the listing.